Privacy policy

Updated 11th February 2024

At Limeat, we are concerned about respecting your personal data and wish to protect them. The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about the personal data we collect collect when you use LimeatApp, and how we handle it. If you have any questions about your personal data, please contact us at the following address:

In a nutshell

As part of the services offered by the application, Limeat may process and temporarily store personal data about you. This includes:

  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your weight
  • Your size
  • Your level of activity
  • Your current diet

This data is stored encrypted on your device, and is deleted when you uninstall the application. During use of the application, this data may be temporarily transferred to a server in France (Microsoft Azure Paris), to enable us to provide you with an optimal user experience (see the section "Why do we collect this data?"). These data are transferred anonymously, and are not stored on the server: they are deleted after a few seconds, when their use is over.

Why collecting these data ?

To enable Limeat to provide you with relevant nutritional analysis and recommendations, we need to know certain information. For example, the energy requirements we recommend depend on all the above information. When this data is no longer useful to us for the current session, it is deleted. This data is not stored for statistical or commercial purposes.

Search history

Limeat may record some of your searches, particularly when using the "Smart Search" function, in order to improve this service. This data is anonymous.

Nutritional & environmental data

Source of nutritional data: Anses. 2020. Nutritional composition table for Ciqual foods Source of environmental data: Agribalyse, ADEME

Deleting the application permanently deletes all personal data entered.